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Friday, April 22, 2016

Are Zestimates Accurate for Irvine Homes?

Call me at 949-552-7653 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation

Recently, I’ve received a lot of questions about the accuracy of Zillow and the reliability of the site’s home value estimates. Today, we’re going to discuss Zestimates in Irvine. Are they accurate and reliable?

Should clients use these numbers to sell their home? In my opinion, Zestimates are not accurate, nor reliable. If you’re looking at a particular Zestimate, Zillow will explain how they arrived at that specific number. For example, Irvine’s Zestimate includes data from Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Anaheim. Through an algorithm, they calculate values in Irvine, but we already know that’s inaccurate.

Zestimates are not accurate, nor reliable.

For example, let’s say a home is priced according to market value around $750,000, but Zillow shows it’s worth $700,000. A buyer can compare a home’s price to its Zestimate online. Is the home overpriced or is Zillow underpriced? If a seller relied solely on Zillow, they could miss out on earning top dollar if their home is underpriced, oriented around a Zestimate.

If you want to investigate the true value of your home, contact a trusted professional in your area with experience and proven results. I would be more than happy to provide a complimentary home market value report if you’re interested in selling your home. Give me a call or send me an email! I’d be happy to discuss and serve your local real estate needs.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Best Ways to Increase Your Home’s Value

Call me at 949-552-7653 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation

Today we’re excited to be talking about how you can get a better price when you’re selling your home. We’ve got four tips for you today that will help you sell for top dollar in Irvine. Here they are:

1. Time it right.
Real estate is all about timing. In any given year, homes sell better in spring and summer than in fall and winter.

2. Price it right.
It’s better to price your home competitively and aggressively. You want buyers to compete for your home, which won’t happen if you overprice it. If you overprice your home, it will stay on the market longer. The longer it stays on the market, the more buyers will want to negotiate on price.

Take the time to make your home look right.

3. Showcase your home. 
Take the time to make your home look right. You want buyers to fall in love with it. Many buyers decide on a home based on their heart, not their head. They decide based on emotion and the more emotionally appealing a home is, the higher the offer will be.

4. Get aggressive with online marketing.
Get your home out to the masses. We are in a global market, and buyers come from everywhere. They choose their homes based on their first impression, which is the online listing for the home. Make sure you have professional photography for your listing, as this will get you more interested buyers. The more buyers you have, the more offers you get. The more offers you get, the higher your final sale price will be.

If you have any questions for us or want even more tips to get the best price possible for your home, give us a call or send us an email. We would love to hear from you!